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The Red Dungeon Short Stories

Pain and pleasure are an aphrodisiac that billionaire Dominic Black serves up daily.

Beg Me

By day, he commands everyone around him. By night, I make him beg me to give him what he wants...


Bind Me

I've been flighty my whole life, until Dominic tied me to a chair and taught me a lesson in obedience. Curing me may take months...


Break Me

I grew up with a sharp tongue and even sharper wit, but inside I'm a tangled mess. Dominic thinks he can break me. Game on...


Blind Me

Trust has never been my strong suit, so when Dominic suggested using a blindfold in the Red Dungeon, my stomach fluttered. This could be the best experience of my life or the darkest nightmare.

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Bait Me

They called me the ugly duckling in high school, but I've grown into a swan. I want Dominic Black and plan to lure him in. I'm the bait.


Bend Me

By boyfriend has deliciously big hands but no desire to slap me on the bum. Maybe after an hour in the Red Dungeon, he'll understand how pain elicits pleasure.

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